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In Review:

Chen, Z., A.H. Lynch, (in review): Arctic maritime cyclone distribution and trends in the ERA5 reanalysis.

Goldstein, M.A., X. Li, A.H. Lynch, S.R. Stephenson, S. Veland, D.A. Bailey, (in review): Arctic marine access variability costs on the Northern Sea Route.

Goldstein, M.A., A.H. Lynch, X. Li and C.H. Norchi, (in review): The value of a transit on the Northern Sea Route: Closure costs from Sanctions or Sea Ice.

Goldstein, M.A., A.H. Lynch, X. Li and C.H. Norchi, (in review): Transit Closure Costs from Sanctions or Sea Ice for the Northern Sea Route.


Brigham, L. (2022, August 12). Arctic Shipping Routes: Russia’s Challenges and Uncertainties. The Independent Barents Observer. Retrieved from

Brigham, L. (2022, November 15). Ten ways Russia's invasion of Ukraine impacts the Arctic and the World. Https:// The Hill.