Research Areas


Loci of Arctic Development

Abbie Tingstad (RAND), Mia Bennett (HKU)

Develop criteria for and identify plausible nodes of continued and new Arctic economic development in the coming decades.


Climate Scenarios

David Bailey (NCAR), Tamlin Pavelsky (UNC)

Characterize trends and variability in geophysical factors affecting accessibility and safety using a high spatial and temporal resolution Arctic climate scenarios from 2000-2050.


Transportation Accessibility

Scott Stephenson (RAND), Dmitry Streletskiy (GWU)

Project spatio-temporal envelopes of accessibility for marine, terrestrial and riverine transportation over the period 2020-2050.


Case Study

Siri Veland (Nordland), Michael Goldstein (Babson)

Ground truth pan-Arctic findings and conclusions through a detailed case study.


Impact through Integration

Amanda Lynch, Laurence Smith (Brown)

Secure broader project impact through data sharing, communications, engagement with the International Reference Group, and publication of a culminating Assessment Report.